Thursday, March 21, 2013

Enviornmental Control.

We talked about Environmental Control last night in class. That is, surrounding yourself without the tools necessary to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
I'm very lucky that my fiance is so supportive that our home is very controlled, and for the most park, work is ok. The biggest challenge at work is that sometimes it's so busy it's impossible to eat (leading to me starving leading to the chance for going off the diet). The other piece that I need to continue to control is the fact that there are probably 4 out of 7 days some kind of treat in the back of the unit... although we do appreciate the goodies from managers/patient families... they aren't kind to our waistlines or arteries.

Speaking of arteries, I'm very proud that my cholesterol & glucose are so in check, I attribute that to a diet high in veggies and fruits, and with no red meat (ew)- but recently at HMR my diastolic BP has been a bit high- 113/89 last night I believe... and it's been consistently high. I'm not a fan.

I believe stress can raise your diastolic.. and that's my life right now (job I hate, last semester of graduate school, getting married, moving away somewhere in a few months).

I know when our society sees someone losing weight they are quick to reward that person. 'Oh you look so great' but honestly, I'm looking forward to that diastolic being consistently below 80.And when I get those compliments I'll be sure to thank them, and tell them about my great blood pressure.

There was a girl in class who lose 80lbs in 6 months... why does that feel so impossible?

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