Thursday, March 21, 2013

Enviornmental Control.

We talked about Environmental Control last night in class. That is, surrounding yourself without the tools necessary to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
I'm very lucky that my fiance is so supportive that our home is very controlled, and for the most park, work is ok. The biggest challenge at work is that sometimes it's so busy it's impossible to eat (leading to me starving leading to the chance for going off the diet). The other piece that I need to continue to control is the fact that there are probably 4 out of 7 days some kind of treat in the back of the unit... although we do appreciate the goodies from managers/patient families... they aren't kind to our waistlines or arteries.

Speaking of arteries, I'm very proud that my cholesterol & glucose are so in check, I attribute that to a diet high in veggies and fruits, and with no red meat (ew)- but recently at HMR my diastolic BP has been a bit high- 113/89 last night I believe... and it's been consistently high. I'm not a fan.

I believe stress can raise your diastolic.. and that's my life right now (job I hate, last semester of graduate school, getting married, moving away somewhere in a few months).

I know when our society sees someone losing weight they are quick to reward that person. 'Oh you look so great' but honestly, I'm looking forward to that diastolic being consistently below 80.And when I get those compliments I'll be sure to thank them, and tell them about my great blood pressure.

There was a girl in class who lose 80lbs in 6 months... why does that feel so impossible?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When you fall off the wagon...

There's nothing to do except get right back on!

So bad week traveling, well, a great week traveling but not for the diet. Chalk it up to a loss and keep moving forward.
Back on the HMR today- 100% in the box.

Made 'soup-crackers' with HMR product- came out pretty good- attempted a shake with Fresca, kinda gross, but that's ok, went down easy.

Tomorrow is truth day- two weigh-ins, one at the gym then one at HMR- it's ok, I'll keep moving forward...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7lbs- goodbye.

Yep, down 7 lbs- currently about 207- meaning only seven more to "one-der-land"
Feeling exhausted today, taking in only about 800 calories a day is bound to catch up with you eventually I suppose. I've been working out a ton too.

This weeks challenges include school Thurs/Friday and staying at a hotel that night- I'll bring my shakes with me and just keep a good head on my shoulders that I'm going to stick to it. With these awesome results one would think that would be enough encouragement.

I'm also going to start couch-5k again.. not from the beginning but a few weeks in (since I can run about a mile now), but usually run at 4.8 I figure I'll start running at a 5 or 5.5. I can do this after lifting weights.

I see the nurse after my class today- which I always find a bit amusing considering I'm a nurse myself. I don't mean to be rude but I figure since I've been trying to lose weight my whole life I prob know a bit more about it than the tiny little nurse girl who told me shes "never been on a diet" is probably younger than me and has the same education. Butt whatever, if it works.
I'm just happy to have my blood pressure taken- it was high last time I saw her (for the first time in my life..thinking I was nervous) it was like 132/91... when I saw the doc two days later it was 113/80, let's keep it there.  I had a high diastolic last time at my primary care doc too- it was like 118/85, so weird for me. She had suggested I start watching my salt and (of course) losing weight.

I know I have a while to go before thinking of transitioning off of the program- but already started talking to my fiance about living a healthy life, where eating out is not a common occurrence and where we cook often. I plan to register for lots of items to help us achieve this goal- including a crockpot for easy cooking.

Off to my class for the week- happy to have been "in the box" for my first week- planning to make it another 14 days of just shakes!