Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Run to Chase Health.

Children. Wedding. Graduation. Marriage. Fiance. Health. Work. Life.

The reasons for losing weight are infinite.  I graduate from graduate school at Yale University in 90 days, I will walk down the aisle towards the most handsome, most supportive, most amazing man in the world in 186 days.

And, more important, I want children: babies!  I want to be healthy when we try to get pregnant, I want to have a healthy pregnancy, and I want to teach my children to have a healthy life. I want a long life with my children and a long life with my soon-to-be husband.

So here is where I am:

I am 5'4
I weigh 216lbs

1. My goal by my wedding- in 186 days is 180lbs... 36lbs (it was 40lbs from Jan 1st, I was 220 then). It's about a pound a week- and I'm right on track.
2. My fiance asked me recently if I'll be able to wear a bikini on our honeymoon in Hawaii-
3. I have never imagined I would be the kind of person to run a race- I never did track, I played sports but not anything that had too much running, well that's going to change, I will run a 5k in 2013 it'll be part of my new healthy life- this blog will be about my weight loss but also about my running- as I run to chase health. 

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